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Most goods and services in Germany are taxed at the standard rate of VAT which is 19%.
There are two rates of VAT in Germany:
  • Standard Rate 19%
  • Reduced Rate 7%
Reduced Rate
The reduced rate of VAT (7%) is applicable to goods and services such as:
  • Hotel Accommodation
  • Museums 
  • Theatres
Exempt Goods and Services
  • Medical Services 
  • Insurance
  • Property Sales
Charging VAT
Customer located in:
  • In German - 19% or 7%
  • B2B customer outside EU - 0% 
  • B2B customer in EU - 0%  (Reverse Charge Invoice
  • B2C (to private individual) Less than 10,000 Euros - 19% VAT
  • B2C (to private individual) Greater than 10,000 Euros -  VAT rate applicable in customers country. German business must either register in customers country or use the One Stop Shop Process.
Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Electronically Supplied Services - Place of supply where customer located and as such apply VAT rate in customers country. 
Input VAT Recovery
Input VAT is deducted from output VAT to arrive at the net VAT payable on the VAT return
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