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Key VAT Terminology

"Take the heavy lifting out of your role search!"


Interview Process

The Job Market for VAT Roles has been busy and robust over the past few years and one of the key changes in the interview process has been how interviews are conducted.  As a result of the move to more flexible working (home working) following the pandemic, many first, second and even some final interviews can be held over Teams, Zoom and other conferencing platforms.  Whilst this may save time travelling to prospective employers, it will mean adapting to online face to face interviews rather than meeting face to face in person. Some candidates will prefer this others will not.  



  • Always research the target company extensively as this will convey diligence and a keen interest in the role.

  • Focus your interview preparation on the requirements of the role by being ready to articulate how your experience and skills are a great fit for the role.

  • Revisit and revise your UK and EU VAT Technical knowledge. See the key VAT Terms button for more guidance on areas in VAT that you should be familiar with.

  • Be prepared to answer technical questions on real or hypothetical VAT advisory and compliance scenarios.

  • Be up to date with current industry issues and case law.


  • Look as professional as you would going for a role at the prospective Employers offices.

  • Test your audio is clear and camera is working properly prior to the interview. Bad audio can impact the interviewers perception.

  • Always be on time as keeping your interviewer waiting does not give a good impression. 


  • Walk through your CV many times prior to the interview as this will ensure you can do this clearly and confidently when asked to do so during the interview.

  • Listing your strengths during an interview is sometimes not enough and as such you need to be prepared to demonstrate how these strengths were exhibited while working day to day and on projects. 

  • Be prepared to respond to questions like "why do you feel you are the right candidate for the role", "What skills and efficiencies would you bring to this role", What are the 3 or 4 key things you would do if you got the role", " How do you deal with conflict and difficult situations", " Why are you leaving your current role"


  • Giving realistic answers for weaknesses and what you have done or intend to do to improve will impress potential employers.

  • Collaboration is a key skill in the modern digital age not only for BAU but for projects so ensure you emphasise and demonstrate how well you can do this.

  • Digital Skills have become an increasing focus over the past couple of years so it will help if you are up to date on the latest developments such as blockchain, Crypto, NFT's etc and also how VAT is currently applied or will be applied to these assets in the future.

  • Always smile and be ready for the usual introductory conversation as this will help the interviewer and yourself settle into the more formal interview. Also first impressions as we know can have a impact on whether you move to the next round.

  • Always prepare a list of questions to ask that will help you understand the department, team structure, why the role is vacant, current issues, ongoing projects, to find out more about your potential line manager, flexible working policy etc.

  • Be prepared for the good cop and bad cop interview where one of the interviewers seems calm and warm and the other more stern and interrogating. The purpose of  these interviews can be to see how well you handle pressure or can just be innocent in that this is the natural personality style of the interviewers.

  • At the end of the interview it's always good and polite to ask what the next steps are especially if you have not been told.  This will help you manage expectations re timelines for the interview process etc.

  • Finally be enthusiastic, confident, articulate, warm, and smile. 

  • Never take job rejections personally. Every adversity leads to an equal or greater benefit so be patient, chin up and move on to the next opportunity!      




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